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Let's get that Mac version of VDJ out ASAP [but NOT before it's ready]! =)

Apple's new homepage as of today, January 1st 2007 -

Fasten your seatbelts everyone.!!!

This crazy, exciting, and fun ride starts with Steve Jobs' keynote speech [Tuesday, Jan. 9th @ 9am PST] at MacWorld San Francisco [Jan 8th-12th] NEXT WEEK.

Posté Tue 02 Jan 07 @ 2:28 am
Phatt BPRO InfinityMember since 2006

That looks good.

I think Im going 2 invest in an apple laptop lol

Posté Tue 02 Jan 07 @ 3:01 am
Phatt B wrote :

That looks good.

I think Im going 2 invest in an apple laptop lol

Again, Phatt B has to be "Mr. Likeable".


If anything, buy Apple stock [AAPL] NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You'll be able to buy a new Mac with the profit you'll make in just a couple of weeks after next weeks MacWorld Expo, and the following weeks "SEC Quarterly Earnings" report. ;)

BTW, look what I started over at MacRumors [yes, I'm "MacQuest" on that webite] -

Looks like I was the first to see it! =D

Posté Tue 02 Jan 07 @ 3:06 am
Phatt BPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Haha just checked the site!

Hmmm... you might just convince me yet... Mac stock.. I might look into it

Posté Tue 02 Jan 07 @ 3:21 am
Phatt B wrote :
Haha just checked the site!

Hmmm... you might just convince me yet... Mac stock.. I might look into it

It's LOW right now, believe me. There's a stock options investigation for some stuff that happened back in the late 90's and early 2000, and that scared some of the shareholders throughout last week. It's pretty muchdone now and turned out to not be such a big deal, so Apple's stock jumped over $4 a share just on Friday!

It's gonna jump WAY more starting REAL soon and continue to climb throughout '07.

Bet on it. ;)

This is coming from the guy [me] that told people to buy AAPL stock the week before the iTunes music store was launched back in April of '03 when the stock was at an all time low of under $13 because of a similar shareholder scare that also turned out to be nothing.

Since then the stock climbed to $90+, split back down to $35, went back up to around $90, and went back down to the low $80's last week before settling in the mid $80's on Friday.


That HUGE profit increase was in large part due to the iPod until last year [2006... =P], but in 2006 that profit increase is due in LARGE part to WINDOWS users SWITCHING to MAC!

Like norway... =)

Posté Tue 02 Jan 07 @ 3:35 am
Phatt BPRO InfinityMember since 2006

That aint half bad!

I'm looking into purchasing shares right now.

Might get some soon


Posté Tue 02 Jan 07 @ 3:39 am
Phatt B wrote :

That aint half bad!

Yup. Apple has and continues to CONSISTENTLY outperform the industry and Wall Street!


Posté Tue 02 Jan 07 @ 3:44 am
dj-in-norway wrote :
Out-of-the-closet trend of the year: PC users getting Mac


Better believe it! ;)

Posté Tue 02 Jan 07 @ 4:11 am
ConQuest wrote :


That guy I quoted sure knows his stuff! ;)

From that link:
"...this stock has been one of the strongest performers in its industry.... It is, however, important to be reasonably confident about the quality of this stock's earnings.... Most stocks in the computer equip. industry have seen steadily growing revenue and impressive earnings growth over the past three years. This stock has done even better than most of its peers as far as top-line growth is concerned--its revenues have grown very rapidly over the past three years. "

Thanks iPod [from 2001 to 2005] and you hundreds of thousands of "switchers" whose number keeps doubling year over year [2005 -4 00,000+, 2006 - 800,000+, 2007 - estimated 1.3-1.6+ million]. =)

Posté Tue 02 Jan 07 @ 1:33 pm
MAC...MAC...MAC! iPod brought Apple back into the spotlight a few years back and its been growing since. I wouldn't trade my MAC for anything...Well except a new MAC (17in Macbook Pro preferably).

Quest do you DJ videos?

Posté Tue 02 Jan 07 @ 8:04 pm
CHARL1E F1VE wrote :
Quest do you DJ videos?

Yes. I use the Hercules MK2 controller for that right now though because that's good enough for simple mixing.

I tested the TCV's and they are NOT ready for "VT's" yet.

VT= Video Turntablists. That's a term that I came up with to describe what we'll eventually be able to do with better software TCV response and better TCV's.

- ConQuest


Posté Wed 03 Jan 07 @ 12:12 am
Phatt B wrote :

That aint half bad!

I'm looking into purchasing shares right now.

Might get some soon

I hope you weren't kidding Phatt B.

I wasn't when I told you to BUY AAPL NOW!!! (It's LOW at $84.84) right now.

"Study claims 'huge potential' for Apple iPod phone"... (it's not an "iPod phone", it's "iPod-like")

S&P upgrades Apple - Standard and Poor's have upgraded Apple Computer to a 5-start stock

Standard and Poor's analyst Richard Stice on Friday upgraded shares of Apple from a 4-star "Buy" to a 5-star "Strong Buy,"...Stice maintained his 12-month target price of $110 on shares of Apple.

Posté Wed 03 Jan 07 @ 6:49 am
Phatt BPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Of Corse I wasent kidding.

I'm dead set serious!

I will hopefully get some when I get back from New Zealand becuase I leave on Friday.

Posté Wed 03 Jan 07 @ 7:14 am
"We are more confident that expectations have come down to more realistic levels for Macworld and earnings, creating an environment where fundamental strength should move the stock higher near term," he wrote. "We think that investors should increase their exposure to Apple shares before these events."

Apple Computer, which reports results of its first fiscal quarter of 2007 later this month, is likely to announce sales of 1.8 million Macs during the three-month period, including 1.1 million notebooks, according to Goldman Sachs.

BUY, BUY, BUY!!! ;)


Posté Wed 03 Jan 07 @ 8:43 am
Among the many forthcoming Apple retail outfits slated for 2007 are the first two retail stores in Scotland, and new flagship locations in both Paris and New York City.

From NO stores until early 2001, to 87 stores in September of 2004, and nearly double that in September 2006, for a current total of 165 [147 in the US and 18 throughout the U.K., Japan and Canada]

THAT'S what the rapidly increasing windows to Mac "switcher' movement is fueling in terms of international expansion.

Just like dj-in-norway said in his New Year's Eve poll:

dj-in=norway wrote :

Out-of-the-closet trend of the year PC users getting Mac

THAT'S how you infiltrate a market. I'm hoping to see the same in terms of VDJ/VV against SSL! =)

"The fastest chain in the history of retail to reach the $1 billion mark for sales, Apple's retail segment continued to reflect phenomenal growth during fiscal 2006. Net sales increased by 43 percent to $3.4 billion compared to 2005, including an increase in Macintosh unit sales of 45 percent to nearly 900,000 units."

Mac version of VDJ please... =)

Posté Thu 04 Jan 07 @ 12:18 am
TexZKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
The problem is, many things are done only for Windows and Linux. I can see thousands articlaes for VB, which is ONLY for Microsoft products, thousands articlaes for Delphi, which is done for Windows, C#, which is done for Windows, and C/C++, which are usually for everyting, but the most of the projects are for Windows and Linux. Java is the only famous language for every platform, but it is another thing, as it isn't translated in low-level. So, where can we put Machintosh articles? Where can we use them? Here in Europe there's only Microsoft; Apple is known only for the iPod. Almost every computer is for Windows - and Unix-based distros are used for net servers. There are only A FEW commercial programs for Apple computers, and most of them are only for professional (very high level) purposes, such as video and audio editing. But I can't see many games for Mac. Videogames are one of the most influencing industries of the world. Windows Vista itself is going to be as simple and compatible as game consoles, and I think it's going to be famouse for this, too. So, Apple is used only for entertainment insudtries, but not for the public. I'm not saying that it's worse than Windows, I agree with you when you say Mac is more optimised, but commercially it isn't for the public at the moment, like Linux. It looses some things which can't make it a competitor of Windows. And then, Linux is going to be installed on more machines (like Mac is doing), so PCs will be always used. Windows isn't PC, and PC isn't Windows, so Mac won't take PCs out from the commerce. When you buy a compyter compenent, it's for PCs, not for Mac. ATI (sorry, AMD) and nVidia sell their Radeon and GeForce for PCs. Intel processors now are also for Apple, but there's always AMD... I can't say the same thing for soundcards, but when someone buys a new general purpose computer buys one without looking at its soundcard (my integrated one is good enough for Home Theatre), but looks more on its videocard.
I'm not saying Apple can't be sold more than PC+Windows, but at the moment I think PC+Windows is more widely commercial, and costs less than a Mac. They have to rebuild their marketing, because the first Apple computers were built for home use (Apple II for example), but then IBM and Microsoft had their best chances in the wide economy...

Posté Thu 04 Jan 07 @ 2:21 pm
Very well stated TexZK. =)

Unfortunately (and I'm NOT trying to be offensive - I appreciate your attempt to give me insight, but I've heard ALL of EVERYTHING you said SO many times over the past half a decade, and have successfully disproven ALL of it, that I'm just stating facts based on what I see, and the entire technology industry and Wall Street are showing and proving, daily over here in the US) most of your arguments are old and have been defeated for the past 5 years after the switcher movement really began 4 years ago, and really has become visible by the public in the past 2 years.

They are the same arguments/discsussions that I have been having everyday with people (from simple computer users, to IT professionals, to CFO's and CEO's) for over 4 years. It's because of those long standing, but outdated and severely misinformed arguments that have now proven to be untrue even among the common public, that hundreds of thousands of windows users have been switching to Mac over the past few years with that number doubling year over from 2005 to 2006 [400,000+ in '05, 800,000+ in '06), and is estimated to continue to rise just as steeply year over year for years to come:

Apple could sell 9 million Macs in 2007
"Even the most zealous Mac enthusiast might have a hard time believing that, if it weren't for the fact that last quarter Mac sales surged to 1.6 million, and it is looking increasingly possible that Apple could sell 2 million Macs this holiday quarter."

Let me re-state that last part so that you can soak it in: is looking increasingly possible that Apple could sell 2 million Macs this holiday quarter.

For clarification purposes, that's 2 million Macs in only the past 3 months.

Sorry, but Linux had it's chance to be a serious competitor and broadly adopted by ALL markets [not just IT] from the early 90's until the past few years. It had almost 15 years and it "dropped the ball" because of lack of uniformity [too many unsupported distros, and relatively difficult set-ups for the common public to even consider it's adoption]. Linux is a joke for the majority of the population who just want a reliable, fully loaded, long lasting, and easy to use brand name computer that's fully supported by ONE source... who do they call for Ubuntu? or Suse? Fedora? Lindows?... what? they had to change the name again...Linspire?!

Macs crowd out Linux on corporate desktops;1264637162
"...Gartner Research says the increasing popularity of Apple's desktop operating system in some enterprises could come at the expense of Linux desktops. Popular marketing and advertising campaigns for Macs has the machines on the minds of some corporate computer users, while Linux desktops are still somewhat obscure."

"Operating System Market Share for December, 2006"
* Note - Why is Apple's tiny 4.15% marketshare important? Because that's double the marketshare from only 2 years ago. The BETTER part is that Linux has a "whopping" .37% and it's adoption is not expanding in any meaningful way because buyers are choosing Mac as an alternative to windows, if they're not simply choosing to stay with windows in the first place. The BEST part is that Apple's marketshare has doubled mostly because of windows defectors [some Linux casualties, but it's insignificant in the bigger "overall" picture anyway as can be seen in the article linked above].

Apple's Macintosh computer adoption numbers is growing because they are NOT windows computers. PERIOD. This no longer has anything to do with iPods, regardless of the fact that the iPod and iTunes are by FAR the dominant products in the digital music player and LEGAL online content download markets respectively

I don't know of ANY compnay that wouldn't like to double it's marketshare [especially when just a 1% increase equals millions of customers] in such a short amount of time against the ONLY perceived dominant competitor. Perceived because microsofts propoganda is great, but windows is weak. windows is the weak link in microsofts chain that will break their chain of dominance and end up leveling the playing field for peope to choose between windows, Mac, and to a MUCH smaller extent, Linux along with all the other "obsure" OS's like Solaris, Amiga, etc.

Apple's global expansion is very visible in the enterprise and IT sectors, but it may still take a few years for "common user" visibility outside of the U.S., but it only took less than 3 years for Apple to double it's marketshare here. The momentum is making it easier everyday over here, and it'll be even easier when that visibility and momentum hits the Eastern hemisphere's masses.

Or has it already begun?:

FNAC Website Features a mini AppleStore

Apple Is Back In French SuperMarkets! (Carrefour and more)

"...the decision seems to have been taken with the release of the first MacIntel products, making it easier for customers to compare with PC manufacturer offers (in Supermarket, mostly Acer, HP, Medion, etc).
If Carrefour can benefit from the iPod Halo effect to sell Apple hardware, no doubts that other Supermarket will also start selling Apple products beside iPods."

* Note: The VERY interesting part of those comments is that that is exactly what I told my [skeptical then, definitely not now] co-workers would happen here in the US among major stores as well, where CompUSA and MicroCenter were the only major physical stores with dedicated Apple sections within them:

Best Buy
"One of our goals with Apple is to become the partner of choice with them versus having them team with one of our competitors. We will prove to Apple that Best Buy is the best place and has the best sales people to sell their products."

Circuit City
"...a rejuvenated image and fast-approaching holiday shopping season have returned Apple Computer to Circuit City"

The point is that there is a RAPID expansion of Apple Shops within resellers ON TOP OF Apple's own incredibly successful retail initiative, the Apple Stores, both domestcally AND internationally:

Apple retail commitment, headcount surge over 55 percent
" Apple Computer has no plans to slow development of its extremely successful retail segment and will utilize approximately $360 million in capital expenditures during the 2007 fiscal year to facilitate new store openings."

VERY visibily successful INTERNATIONAL Apple Store expansion:

Apple Stores in the U.K.:

Apple Stores in Japan:

(and over on our side of the world, but outside of the U.S)
Apple Stores in Canada:

You guys are just experiencing Apple's success from 2002-2005 now, that's the reason for that "Apple is only known for iPods" excuse that has been defeated since 2005. You'll all start experiencing Apple's 2006 success starting this year and beyond.


A perspective on microsofts "new and innovative" vista:
vista will be it's , and microsoft's, own worst enemy. Guaranteed. microsoft is only shipping it because of stockholders demand for a new OS that was promised to them in 2005-2006. It's being shoved out the door against the will of microsofts own developers/engineers/employees employees who know that it's junk and that they're shooting themselves in the foot.

But don't listen to me. Listen to microsofts own people who are working on their own admitted mess that is called vista:

Vista 2007. Fire the leadership now!

Here's some further speculation[or is it?] on how Apple will expand into other markets and revolutionize them the same way that it's iPod/iTunes combination kicked the mp3 player/legal online content markets' butts:

"Just over 20% of Americans 12 and older own an Apple product of some kind. This was one of the findings in a recent Apple phone study conducted by Toronto-based Solutions Research Group. The upshot of the study is that Apple can increase its market footprint by 30% with the introduction of an iPod phone, according to findings."

Interesting findings:
- 16% of Americans aged 12+ (about 40 million) say that an "iPod" phone is a "great idea" for them personally.
- 24% of Americans aged 12+ (or 28% of cell users) own a Motorola phone and Nokia is used by 17%.
- 53% of likely buyers are women and 47% are men, suggesting broad mainstream appeal.
- Their average income is about 10% above the national average.
- The average age of likely buyers is 35, with 40% over the age of 40.
- Sprint/NexTel and T-Mobile customers are more enthusiastic than average.
- African-American and Hispanic Americans show above average interest.

That's enough talk for now... let the actions speak for themselves.

Apple WILL speak VERY loudly starting THIS YEAR and what it says will be heard for YEARS to come.

- ConQuest

Posté Thu 04 Jan 07 @ 4:46 pm
Oh, let me address the killer points that EASILY defeat Mac misinformation/windows propoganda and switch people SO easily to Mac nowadays:

1 - "Macs are more expensive"

No they're not.

They last 2-3x longer than windows pc's, work reliably the entire time and have a secure OS so you don't have to go spen money right away on antivirus and sysetem utility software, AND EVERY Mac comes with a FULL version of Mac OS [no home, pro, media center BS] that includes an entire suite of high quality, user friendly software called iLife. saving a couple of hundred dollars on a windows pc that's going to last you 1/3rd of the time of a Mac, that you have to immediately buy protection/recovery/utility software for, AND doesn't come with any software that's worth keeping [demo versions of ok software might be included, but they're just demos... full versions of anything other than Calculator just get's uninstalled anyway, which always goes smoothly on an antiquated registry based, .dll file dependant OS], so exactly what "savings" did you think you were getting again?

It sounds like those windows pc's cost MORE than a Mac in maintenance software, 3rd party software, lost time and productivity fixing things unnecessarily because of the unstable, insecure, and antiquated windows OS [vista too], AND you get the "privilage" of buying 2-3 of them within the same amount of time that a Mac user own one.

Don't you want a computer that works reliably, comes fully loaded out of the box, and is going to last you for a lot longer? I thought so.

Here's Your Mac.

2 - "They're not compatabile [hardware wise] with anything".
They use the same standard USB, DVI, Firewire, etc. ports and interfaces that you'll find on ANY windows pc. We don't have the driver issues that windows have, so forget about configuration "wizards", Mac are "Plug & Play"... windows pc's "Plug & Pray".

Here's Your Mac.

3 - "They're not compatabile [software wise] with anything".
Most people find that they're not tied into windows OS at all, just the Office application. That has always been available for Mac and costs the same for Mac or windows. However, if you do have to run a "windows only application", you can:

- use Apple's free "Boot Camp" to run windows SEPARATELY from your Mac, but still on your Mac, so you conveniently have 2 computers in one, or

- use applications like Parallels "Desktop for Mac" or VMWare's "Fusion" to run windows [or ANY OS, including ANY Linux distro, Solaris, Amiga, etc] WITHIN your Mac, but still on your Mac with a MINIMAL performance hit thanks to Intels VT technology that they've incorporated into their Core series processors, or

- if you, like most people, want to DUMP wINDOWS ALTOGETHER, you can use applications like Codeweaver's "Crossover Mac" [aka WINE for Linux users] and even Transgaming's Cider [aka Cedega for Linux users] to run windows applications WITHOUT windows at all!

Here's Your Mac.

4 - "Who do i contact for support if I need help?"

Apple's makes it's own OS for it's own specific hardware configuration, therefore providing you with an unparalleled level of quality control between the 2 most impoirtant parts of ANY computer; the OS and the hardware. Because of Apple's corporate accountablity, they do their best to get everything "right" from the beginning, and NO windows or Linux computer manufacturer even comes close. Unlike windows computers where microsoft often blames the hardware manufacturer or vice versa, Apple holds itself accountable for your ENTIRE computing experience. Linux? I hope you like trolling internet forum boards to find the right answer for your particualr distro, because that is their level of "support". Free, but no REAL support for the MAJORITY of people who are NOT computer savvy.

Quality Control = Reliability = Productivity = Customer Satisfaction = Brand Loyalty

This is the "Mac Experience". This is Apple.

- ConQuest

Posté Thu 04 Jan 07 @ 5:51 pm
metiznPRO InfinityMember since 2005
sorry to abuse this thread, but there are so many equal mac threads that i just chose this one:

what i just thought about:

all the plugins won't work in the mac version, is that right?

'cause they're all .exe files...


Posté Thu 04 Jan 07 @ 7:16 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
oh no

they are compiled as exe for easy install the actual plugins should on the whole be ok :)

Posté Thu 04 Jan 07 @ 7:36 pm