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Sujet 2 problems

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database corrupted??? plus......

video has a higher resolution than the screen ??

also, made a test .avi to see it play something besides .vob, it loads and plays the avi but nothing on screen??

also same cheapo webcam that i made test avi with works fine in camera in video effects ????

Posté Sat 06 Jan 07 @ 4:56 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004

Posté Sat 06 Jan 07 @ 5:07 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
chucknorrisyouwimps wrote :
database corrupted???

Yes, database repair tool.

chucknorrisyouwimps wrote :
video has a higher resolution than the screen ??

Don't use a skin with a great resolution than your screen?
chucknorrisyouwimps wrote :

also, made a test .avi to see it play something besides .vob, it loads and plays the avi but nothing on screen??

VDJ internal video decoder doesn't support all video codecs. You may need to change the avi extension to use Windows Media Player video decoder -- in the config of VDJ

Posté Sat 06 Jan 07 @ 5:21 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
cstoll wrote :

chucknorrisyouwimps wrote :
video has a higher resolution than the screen ??

Don't use a skin with a great resolution than your screen?

its not the skin its an error which occurs when the database goes bad :(

will stop when its fixed :)

Posté Sat 06 Jan 07 @ 5:23 pm
thank you gents.....both fixes worked like a charm on the first try.....cstoll i used your xml tool and set it on yes.........which btw Vdj now does exactly what Traktor does or close to it......Traktor on restart immediately restores the last playlist since you could be rebooting out of a problem then without prompting verifies the my VDJ is doing the same thanks to Cstoll........i reccomend you make that a default in 4.3........

Posté Sat 06 Jan 07 @ 5:38 pm
yes it will make the launch of the application considerably slower like w/ Traktor........but for a good reason.

Posté Sat 06 Jan 07 @ 5:41 pm
1,2,3,4.......yup 2 good thing i'm not an accountant....

Posté Sat 06 Jan 07 @ 5:42 pm
mainedjPRO InfinityMember since 2006
I had this error tonight.
I tried the tool, clicked yes, and it came up with those multiple errors. It would not start without the errors after about 10 times of trying. I copied the xml database and mp3 database files just in case before I ran the tool. Still didn't work.
I then tried deleting the files from the vdj folder, and no error. I'm now analizing my songs...AGAIN!

I know I'm a dumbass for not backing them up. I just need to learn from it now.
To bad it didn't happen yesterday. I have the club in 2.5 hours. :(

Posté Thu 08 Feb 07 @ 1:18 am

Said to hear.

I think its time to have VDJ auto backup database, built into the software.

Its not fun when database gets corrupted

Posté Thu 08 Feb 07 @ 1:46 am
if you can convince the dev team please do......also my loop song button, the flashing countdown timer,number the songs,and my trapdoor button for the drunk dumbass with the stupid requests....

Posté Fri 09 Feb 07 @ 4:33 am
chucknorrisyouwimps wrote :
my trapdoor button for the drunk dumbass with the stupid requests....

I would like this function too please.

I would also a deer-in-headlight stupid look response as part of the automated functions

Posté Fri 09 Feb 07 @ 11:12 am
djreneePRO InfinityMember since 2004
"skin has a higher resolution than the screen"
I occasionally get this when I bring the CPU home for maintenance and hook it up to a different monitor. When I take it back to the club it works fine. I've NEVER figured this out.

"dumbass with the stupid requests"

No it's the dumbass with the stupid requests that "everybody want to hear". Normally I asked these idiots if they went around the room and took a poll or was it a write in vote. :^)

Posté Sat 10 Feb 07 @ 3:52 pm

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