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Sujet DJ MIXING : basic - advanced - pro - Page: 4

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ChelHome userMember since 2005

Posté Sun 28 Aug 05 @ 10:14 pm
ChelHome userMember since 2005

Posté Sun 28 Aug 05 @ 10:14 pm
ChelHome userMember since 2005

Posté Sun 28 Aug 05 @ 10:14 pm
hemanHome userMember since 2005
What in the world are you doing here Chel???
what's that ????

Posté Mon 29 Aug 05 @ 10:21 pm
3 useless pages of these posts were removed and the user was banished for spam

Posté Tue 30 Aug 05 @ 1:29 am
Great job guys!!!


Posté Tue 30 Aug 05 @ 3:08 am
Hey everybody, I'm new in this forum and I would like to ask some questions. If this is the wrong place, pls forgive me and tell me where to go.
I've been djing for a few years now and I've always used deck players. I was browsing the net and I found out about atomix and vdj. I'm not sure if both softwares are the same, can someone explain this?
I'm willing to download and buy the software that will help me to make my job easier.
The kind of music that I play is mostly latin. I've been playing latin rock (sort of modern rock but in spanish) for almost five years. This type of music has different tempos and beats and sometimes it's hard to mix them. I usually let the track finish and play the next one.
I've been trying to incorporate more genres in my playlist but I'm still a bit insecure about it. The crowd I get likes to dance to everything.
I was reading to the postings and the information in this site and I'm wondering if these softwares 1) will allow me to listen to the tracks independently, you know like in the old fashion way you listen one track while the other is playing 2) help me to match the beats and pitches
Someone wrote earlier that djing is more musical than technical, and I think he's right...but also now with all the technology we have we must take advantage of it ...besides I'm tired of carrying all the equipment
I hope I can find some answers here
thanks everyone

Posté Wed 31 Aug 05 @ 5:48 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Hi my friend,

You can see a direct comparision between atomixmp3 and Virtual DJ here:

You can clearly see that Virtual DJ is the more proffesional solution, infact everything about it is better, atomixmp3 was an earlier version designed for bedroom DJ's.

VDJ goes a step above what traditional gear can achieve, so for sure you can pre-listen ;).

also in VDJ (with the help of some slick skins) you can vary the difficulty of beatmixing, with some settings it is simular to mixing with decks (no waveform or bpm), or you can choose to use more automatic functions such as sync and visual mixing, Virtual DJ is unique in this, and consequentely their is no other software to rival it.

You can also combine VDJ with time coded cd's or vinyls and control the software with traditional hardware, or you can use an external mixer (either alone or with decks).

Many usb controllers have been released to, and some are very good!.

You can download the free demo from here:

try it!..but bear in mind the demo doesn't allow the use of pre-listen, but I assure you it works in the full version, and that is how 90% of the users here operate VDJ.

Buy VDJ and show everyone what you can do with it! :).

Hope that has helped you to some degree.


Posté Wed 31 Aug 05 @ 9:20 pm
Thanks for writing back...two questions:
Will I be able to hear the tracks independently one from the other...? I mean while the track is playing for the crowd, can I play another track for my self to check if it matches the beat/tempo?
After I download it in my desktop how can I transfer it to my laptop?

Posté Wed 31 Aug 05 @ 11:43 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Yes, I did say that pre-listening is supported, that means you can play a mix to the crowd and listen to the other song through the headphone, to do this you'll need just VDJ and a 5.1 soundcard (or 3D soundcard), because the soundcard has to seperate the 2 signals.

when you pay for the download, you get an install file, you may install that on as many computers as you wish as long as they belong to you.

You can burn the install file to disk, or transfer it to your laptop with a LAN cable, if by chance you should lose your install file you can write to "e-services" and request a fresh download (they respond within the hour).

So no problem.

Posté Wed 31 Aug 05 @ 11:57 pm
If you want to use a laptop (which usually does not have a 5.1 sound card) you can get a stereo splitter to make it so you can pre-listen. You can also get a USB soundcard and use the dual soundcard support to do this. (They can be fairly inexpensive and will allow you to still perform in stereo instead of mono.)
Just remember that neither of these methods will work with the trial version of VDJ, but work just fine with the full purchased version.

Posté Fri 23 Sep 05 @ 8:21 am
hemanHome userMember since 2005
look i have a problem .....
I don't have the equipment. or the means to use the headphone thing
all the partys i've done where here at home for friends that ask me to do em
and its always last minute cuz i dont have a good sound system ....
so i always have to borrow a sound system ...and it always gets there when the guests are already there so i cant even plug headphones in ......i try to get the sound there B4 but it never i was wondering do u have to have a 5.1 soundcard to do that ???
cuz DJ in Norway said that you can use a keyboard shortcut ...its on his blog so i dont know whos telling the truth .......

Posté Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 7:42 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
To preview the secound deck you do need the FULL version of VDJ sadly, It's a great investment, and theirs no great feeling in stealing.

Posté Tue 27 Sep 05 @ 12:18 am
hemanHome userMember since 2005
that can't be true theres gotta be a way .......its the same thing ....just that not spent a fortune on .......well whatever .....Tx

Posté Sun 02 Oct 05 @ 5:28 am
hemanHome userMember since 2005
Hi, again ...uhhh, about mixing: it's kind of hard to get just the right kick and snare to each song so what I usually do is just match the snare and cut off the bass of the other song.
Just wanted your thoughts on that. Tx

Posté Sun 09 Oct 05 @ 3:59 pm
Well I would like to no if anyone on here could tell me how to change the pitch in a song where it slows up the vocals on a song please help me out thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posté Thu 13 Oct 05 @ 1:18 am
hemanHome userMember since 2005
I had another question for DJ in Norway;
What if while i'm mixing the next song i'm gonna play is like 20 BPM's faster
like deck one (old song) is 72 BPM and deck 2 (new song) is at 91.3 what to do ?

Posté Fri 14 Oct 05 @ 5:23 pm
Well here is what I do and I'm sure many DJs do this as well.

speed up deck 1 and slow down deck 2

make them meet in the middle so that they both match and don't have too much of a difference in speed. Although 20 bpms is often a bit much. I normally play around 2-3% difference unless I'm using timestretch which I only use on my TTxs.

Best of luck

DJ White Devil

Posté Fri 14 Oct 05 @ 6:05 pm
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
If I had a 72 BPM and a 92 BPM; I play one 75 BPM then 79 BPM then a 85 BPM a 89BPM and finally 92 BPM... If you do it directly a scratch - cut is your answer, but that's a cut not a mixing...


Posté Wed 19 Oct 05 @ 6:44 am
hemanHome userMember since 2005
i also wanted some advice of turntables.
like good quality turntables. i was wondering about the Numark TT 1600.
what is a good turntable to buy that isnt too expensive ......i wanted something for like from $80 to $150 ..............don't have much cash to spend ......after buying VDJ of course

i had another VDJ limited to only some turntables its compatible with or any that i can buy the timecoded vynils ...and it'll work ?

Posté Fri 21 Oct 05 @ 12:32 am