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Sujet Buying a laptop for video mixing, 2nd attempt.. help please

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l_ridsPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Hi all,

Tried searching the forums but not very conclusive. Don't wanna give up on laptops just yet so trying again. Anyways done a bit of research but just want a second opinion. Laptop I'm currently looking at is more than half the price of the one I just bought but wondering if it would do the job.

Specs say its a radeon x700 256mb dedicated.

Any opinions?

Seems like we are a bit behind in NZ for laptops with good specs with video cards... hard to find any without shared mem and the whole turbocache and hypermemory crap.

Posté Fri 02 Feb 07 @ 4:52 am
ashlarPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Looks great to me! I had to settle with a 17 inch monitor as I couldnt find anything local that offered such specs on a smaller screen =D

Posté Fri 02 Feb 07 @ 6:16 am
KregCZPRO InfinityMember since 2005
It looks to have a slow HD, I don't know if that will be a problem,
I think It depends on how big your files are.

You should take a look at the "Alienware" Laptops.
The Area-51 M5790 is a great price and
You can have them build them to your specks.
You can even get it with one of the best laptop video cards made
the ATI Mobility Radon X1900.

Posté Fri 02 Feb 07 @ 9:35 am
i order today the Area 51 5790 from Alienware

Posté Sat 03 Feb 07 @ 6:21 am
the drive is slow, video card seems ok price a little's xp home so not being xp m.c.e. is a plus

Posté Sat 03 Feb 07 @ 1:31 pm
I wouldn't use a laptop with a 5400 RPM drive. It really makes a difference. You'll notice when you're loading videos to a player, it will take much longer. They use 5400 to preserve battery power. If you don't care about battery, I would seriously consider a 7200 RPM drive.

I too own an Alienware Area51 5790 with a 17" screen, dual hard drives, Core 2 Duo 2.0, 256 MB video, 2G Ram. It's super fast and was only $100 more than the comparable Dell at the time. However, Dell was not using 667mhz Ram at the time and Alienware was. Just like DJs, you get what you pay for.

I just checked Alienware, you can get the Alienware 5550 and it comes with 1G of ram standard, Core 2 Duo, an 80G hard drive and 128MB ATI Mobility™ Radeon® X1400 video. Just upgrade the hard drive to 7200 RPM and the price is only $1049. That computer should handle video very easily.

Posté Sat 03 Feb 07 @ 7:31 pm

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