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Sujet: Boston's Brad Delp

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As some of you may know, lead singer Brad Delp, "the voice" of the 70's rock band Boston, recently died.
The group had fallen victim to legal battles and sort of fallen apart until recently when a tour was planned.
This is a band from my local area and was a major part of my life in my 20's.

When Brad died, he took a piece of me with him unfortunately.

At last nights gig with the help of VDJ, I did a dedication set to him and Boston.
I started with "Rock and Roll Band" and finished with "Long Time", with a slide show montage running with of all the pictures of Brad and the band from the 70's to date.
During the montage I opened a memorial text.
It brought the crowd to its feet with a standing ovation in the end.

All possible because of this wonderful program!
Try THAT with SSL..." border="0">" border="0">

It was a good night.

Posté Sun 25 Mar 07 @ 3:27 pm
I didn't hear that yet.

Too bad - I liked Boston. Caught one of their shows in 1995 at an amusment park venue in Toronto.

They were still good even after all those years. No "Rock Star Burn Out"

I hear ya' rick, they were big for me in my teens, and 20's also... goes to show you that they were an enduring band. Growing up in the same area as you rick, I know that we heard alot more boston on the radio that you would in say, texas... they were like the hometown band. They were actually my first concert back in the day... I saw them at the now defunct Rocky Point Park in Warwick, Rhode Island when I was about 12. I also had the fortune of meeting Tom Sholtz at a guitar camp workshop at Berklee one summer as a young shredder.

I also was saddened, and sang all Boston songs at a slow monday night karaoke show I run (I end up singing all night.. I try to quit, but they just give me more money to stay.... I don't understand it.... they make no money, yet pay me $275.00, with a $40.00 comp tab at the bar.... whatever...) anyhow, I did Foreplay / Long Time, then busted into rock & roll band, then more than a feeling.... he had a very challenging vocal range.... I can almost hit every note except for his high pitched "yeah" in long time...

most kids don't have a clue who Boston was but for those over 30, they're a fond memory.

Boston's official website said it best by simpling saying.... "We just lost one of the nicest guys in Rock & Roll."

That was my feelings a week ago..... Then I heard that he killed himself, where he did it, and how.....

Now I think he's a total Dick!

How are you gonna' do that to your fiancee, children, mother, and friends? That is the ultimate act of cowardice, and selfishness... sure, be a pussy and kill yourself, you're out of your misery, but you ruin countless lives around you.

lighting two charcoal barbecue grills in the bathroom? nice scene for your family to come home to Asshole! now not only do they have to live with the guilt, and thoughts that it was their fault, or that they could have done something, now they have to be reminded of the creepy shitter upstairs where dad offed himself every time they walk by.

nothing but nothing in life is so bad that suicide is the answer... (well, aside from ending it in the event of terminal illness and great physical suffering... but everyone has a chance to prepare in that case.)

all of these idiots who snuff themselves, and then become revered as tortured souls, musical geniuses, and heroes really piss me off..

I had 13 kids commit suicide in my high school graduating class. Why? most of them did it "in memory of one of their other friends who did it". it was a friggin' circus. no one would let their kids out of their sights. the weekly searching of the woods, swamps, and abandoned buildings in my city became routine... oh, teresa's been missing for 4 days... let's go drag the swamp.... then, at the age of 17 to see a drugged up overdosed classmate floating face down in a big puddle bloated to high hell is not the image I really would have chosen to remember them by.

but the circus that follows in the following weeks is astounding.. the tributes, the legacy, the stories... they were never more popular.

as a father, I struggle to keep my daughter happy healthy safe and clean....

having high profile figures such as brad delp glamourizing suicide really pisses me off... It's not the rockstar way to go, it's the Pussy way!

F-you brad delp, and the horse you rode in on!



Sometimes the details are best left alone Steve.
Glamorizing it? Missed that I guess...
How does a rock star do it, overdose? shot gun? off a cliff? car accident?
Depression is something that I will never understand, but it's as powerful and dominating of the mind as heroin.
It turns people into something we don't understand.
The first we hear of it is when this happens, it's hidden deep inside of people.
Suicide is the end of the road resulting, also something none of us will ever understand.

Regardless of his personal life and problems, his legacy will live on.
Nobody will ever know what forces of the mind caused this to happen, it's sad and shocking.
It can happen to the strongest of people, his method of choice is secondary.

No different than someone who can't off themselves and pulls a gun on a police officer or takes their spouse and kids with them too.
We had a father take his two kids with him in a self set car blaze here last week and another that set his apartment on fire with the kids inside with him to deprive his wife and hurt her permanently.

None of it makes sense to us, only to them.
Yup, its an F'd up world we live in.

it just doesn't make it any easier on his family, or the legions of other families who are now without a loved one because they decided to "Do like Brad"

You're a dad, you know how powerful TV, and musical influences are on kids... you have to pull a balance between over dominating your kid, which hinders personal growth, and giving them too much freedom which has it's own consequences...

Granted, I talk to my daughter about these types of things, so she understands, and will hopefully make good decisions later in life, but it's always scarey to think about what they hear in school or on the playground...

I donn't care how depressed someone is, it's inexcuseable to drop that kind of a hurtin' on those you love... the music will live on, they were a great band...


Well it started off as a positive thread of his memory, sorry it didn't work out.

@ Rick, very nicely worded. As both someone who suffers mental illness and as someone fairly active with NAMI I can safely say that chronic depression is just as dehabilitating as any other illness, and unfortunatly, this is often the result, hell I almost ended up at the same destiny a few times. Definatly a tragic loss, it was good of you to dedeicate the set;^]

None of the stories say he was battling depression....

you're adding variables that were not presented.

his family and friends say he was very happy and healthy...

oh well...

you're right... killing himself is positive.. he should be commended...

sorry to be so rational...

I'm not battling you rick, just stating my feelings on suicide. there is no excuse.. were he your kid, or father, I'm sure you wouldn't be so positive about it... like I said... I am a big boston fan.


Steve Lynch wrote :
None of the stories say he was battling depression....

you're adding variables that were not presented.

I only wrote what I did after I read it, but I understand depression and how it ends up.

Steve Lynch wrote :

you're right... killing himself is positive.. he should be commended...

I never said killing himself was positive, I said the thread was positive as in his memory because he did help create music that to this day is stuck in my head. None of us will ever know the stress of stardom and failure like these high profile artists do.

Steve Lynch wrote :

I'm not battling you rick, just stating my feelings on suicide. there is no excuse.. were he your kid, or father, I'm sure you wouldn't be so positive about it... like I said... I am a big boston fan.

I am NOT being positive about suicide, there is nothing positive about it.
I would be troubled certainly, but probably more guilty that I didn't see it coming.
There is much to learn about this problem and unfortunately the reasons and secrets are taken to the grave usually, never figured out or understood.
I do NOT feel that calling him a pussy asshole weakling is appropriate, he obviously had problems that even the people closest to him knew nothing of.
Had his family chosen to protect him other reasons for his death could have been offered.
To publish the details like the fucking media did show me no class or personal respect at all, and I condemn THAT more than I do his final act.

I tend to agree with Steve.
Then again I have religious reasons. (catholic)

If there is an afterlife - I'd like not to give myself a black mark on my eternal record.


If the movie Beetlejuice is right, I don't want to end up a social worker for the rest of eternity.

Yes I'm being flip.
This thread was getting a little intense.

ah, rick and I are friends, that's not intense, that's just us... hell, tomorrow, we'll probably talk on the phone and not even mention it....

BTW rick, be on the lookout for a package from on tuesday...


Steve Lynch wrote :

BTW rick, be on the lookout for a package of frys on tuesday...

Trying to get me off my diet again Steve?
You KNOW that stuff is bad for you...

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