
Pioneer DJ - DDJ-Ergo - Disposition


  1. PLAY/PAUSE. Play-Pause the track.
    Hold SHIFT down and then press this button to "stutter-play" the track from the last set Cue Point.

  2. CUE. When the Deck is paused, you can set a temporary Cue Point by moving the Platter to place the Audio Pointer at the desired location and then pressing the Cue Button. The Cue point can be stored using one of the 4 HotCue buttons (8)

    During playback, you can press the Cue Button to return the track to this Cue Point. (If you did not set a Cue Point, then it will return to the beginning of the track.).

    If the Deck is paused, you can press and hold the Cue Button to play the track from the Temporary Cue Point. Releasing the Cue Button will return the track to the temporary Cue Point and pause it. To continue playback without returning to the Temporary Cue Point, press and hold the Cue Button, then press and hold the Play Button, and then release both buttons.

    Hold SHIFT and then press the CUE button to return the track at the beginning.

  3. SHIFT. Press and hold this button to access secondary functions of other controls on the Ergo.

  4. LOOP IN. Set a Loop In (Entry) Point for a manual loop. If a loop is triggered, hold SHIFT down and then press this button to move the loop by 1 beat backwards.

  5. LOOP OUT. Set a Loop Out (Exit) Point for a manual loop. If a loop is triggered, hold SHIFT down and then press this button to move the loop by 1 beat forward.

  6. AUTOLOOP. Turn the encoder anti-clockwise or clockwise to half or double the size of the loop. Push the encoder to trigger an Auto Loop with the selected size.
    Hold SHIFT down and then use the encoder to shift the CBG by one beat backwards or forward.

  7. SAMPLER. Each one of the 4 Sampler buttons triggers a sample from the selected Sampler Bank of VirtualDJ. If a bank has less than 5 samples, both sides of the DDJ-Ergo will control the same samples. If a bank has more than 4 samples, the left side of the DDJ-Ergo will control samples 1 to 4 and the right side samples 5 to 8. The Leds of the Sampler buttons will be on, if a Sampler Slot is loaded and will blink when triggered.
    Hold SHIFT down and press the same Sampler button to stop the Sample (useful if the Sampler is at the Unmute or Stutter mode)

  8. HOTCUES. Each one of the 4 HotCue buttons assigns a Hot Cue Point (1 to 4) or returns the track to that Hot Cue Point.
    When a Hot Cue Button is unlit, you can assign a Hot Cue Point by pressing it at the desired point in your track. Once it is assigned, the Hot Cue Button will light
    Hold SHIFT down and then press a HotCue button to delete its assigned Hot Cue Point.
  9. DECK SELECT. Switch between A or C decks for the left side and B or D decks for the right side of the DDJ-Ergo.

  10. FILTER. Apply a Resonance High Pass/Low Pass Filter to the left or right selected deck. When the knob is at the middle position (12 o’clock), no filter is applied. When the Pulse mode is enabled, the Blue Leds of the Jog ring will indicate how much filter is applied.

  11. SAMPLER VOL. Turn the encoder anti-clockwise or clockwise to reduce or increase the volume of the triggered Sample. Push the encoder to load the next Sampler Bank.
    If a Sampler Loop is in Loop mode, hold SHIFT down and then use the encoder to half or double the size of the Sampler Loop. Hold SHIFT down and then push the encoder to select the next Sampler Trigger mode (On/Off, Hold, Stutter, Unmute).

  12. VINYL. Press this button to toggle between the Vinyl (Scratch) and CD (Bend) mode. In Vinyl mode, use the outer ring of the platter to pitch bend.
    Hold SHIFT down and then press this button to turn the Pulse mode on/off. When Pulse mode is enabled, the blue leds of the Jog ring will offer additional indications, such as the strength of the applied effect and filter, the current Master Deck and the beat difference between the left and right decks.

  13. KEYLOCK. Press this button to turn Keylock (Master Tempo) on/off. If Keylock is enabled the pitch will change the tempo of the track but not it’s Key.
    Hold SHIFT down and then press this button to select the next available Pitch range.

  14. PITCH. Controls the track's playback tempo.

  15. SYNC. Press this button to automatically match the tempo of the track and align the CBG with the Master deck.
    Hold SHIFT and then press this button to set this deck as Master Deck. All other decks will sync to the Master Deck when SYNC is pressed on that deck. Note that by default the Master Deck is set automatically by VirtualDJ to the deck that is currently playing out in Master.

  16. JOGWHEEL. Pressure sensitive platter for Scratch and Bending. In Vinyl mode the platter is used for scratching and the outer ring for pitch bending. Hold SHIFT down and then use the Jogwheel to fast search (seek mode) through the track