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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Sujet Virtual DJ 8 - Login and License - Page: 6

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AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
If you do the log in when it asks you, it shouldn't ask you to log in when later you don't have internet.

I did find a border case which may have been the problem for kradcliffe. If there was an internet connection, but it was bad and somehow got some corrupted download of the license, it may have logged off without warning (and if you didn't play for more than 10 minutes at that time or checked the License page on the config, you may not have noticed)
This will be fixed in the next build so that in that case it pops up the log in window again.

Posté Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 2:46 am
The stories in this thread are simply too scary.
They basically mean that you can't use the SW professionally, since there is a 1 in xxx chance that it will not let you use it at a gig

This is the main reason for me not upgrading from 7. I have backups for and multiples of everything that I use - I will always be able to finish a gig if something breaks. But it won't help me if the SW won't let me use it on any laptop that I bring

Atomix - you simply need to change how this works. Licensing simply needs to be a non-issue ones you have activated the software
There is no way around it

Best regards
Klaus Mogensen

Posté Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 3:05 am
It's certainly dented my confidence in using VDJ8, that's for sure.

Never had this issue ever with V7, or with BPM Studio and the supplied dongle.

I'm just gonna use version 8 on one computer from now on, but that again lessens the useability of the software as I won't have a direct backup machine any more and my controller only works with V8. I know Atomix needed to deal with piracy, however it seems that legitimate long term users are losing out. Only being able to log in to one machine at a time is understandable but maybe isn't the best long term approach to keep people using the software.

Hackers will always find a way round server call home but the security for legitimate users means problems like Friday night may happen again, and that doesn't do my or Atomix' reputation any good.



Posté Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 12:33 pm
The way I see it, as long as you've got a copy of the license file on your computer or on your person (so you can put it in the folder if required) then you shouldn't have any issues.

The way the system works has been explained and re-explained on here many times - but some folks just don't seem to get it. As long as that file is there, you don't need online access to use VDJ.

Keep a copy of the file.

Before leaving for your gig, log into VDJ on the computer you'll be using, and ensure that you are logged in. Exit VDJ and shut down your computer without logging out of VDJ. The file will be present on your system. When you start up VDJ at your gig (no web access) VDJ will use that file, and you won't need to log in.

Once you've logged in to VDJ on your gig computer (where you do have net access) and VDJ has recognised you as a registered user, turn off internet access on that computer. From that point onwards, when you start VDJ there will be no way it can get online to check license status, and so it will work from its last known status - which was "logged in and registered".

As long as you don't log out manually, or log into VDJ on another computer (that has web access) then start VDJ again on the first computer (when it has web access) then accidents can't happen. If you do find yourself logged out because you've allowed VDJ web access after using it on another computer, then use that backup license file.

Posté Mon 05 Jan 15 @ 4:04 pm

I do get it and have done for some time, but we shouldn't need to keep backup copies of files just for the bloody thing to work?

The other worrying thing is that if Atomix servers (or ISP) go offline for any period of time it effectively renders the software useless.

Posté Tue 06 Jan 15 @ 1:48 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
If the servers go offline then it's the same as when no internet connection is available, and the existing license will continue to work. (With the exception of subscriber of course, which will continue to work for one month)

Posté Wed 07 Jan 15 @ 2:29 am
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Could you explain where to find it and the procedure to copy the "License.dat" file, like copy it to your desk top, or folder?
I'm not using v8 right now, but would like to know if and when I start using v8 to prevent a lock out due to unknown reasons if this happens to me.


Posté Wed 07 Jan 15 @ 10:52 am
blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008
The license file is in the virtualdj folder (In My Documents for windows). I just created a folder, toshibalic, and copied it to there. My backup pc will get another folder named for it. This directory gets synced between the two computers, an external drive, and up in a cloud solution. This way I have local and remote backups.

I also keep the latest installer file in all of those solutions.

Posté Wed 07 Jan 15 @ 10:57 am
kradcliffe wrote :
we shouldn't need to keep backup copies of files just for the bloody thing to work

You don't "need to" - under normal working circumstances. As long as the user understands how the licensing works, then the need shouldn't arise. I've never needed to use my backup (so far), but it's there if I do need it. For those "beyond my control" moments.

Just like keeping backups of any important data (like your music collection, serial numbers etc.) it's a precaution that would prevent problems should they arise.

The quote is:- "It's the same principle as a condom. It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it". :-)


Posté Wed 07 Jan 15 @ 11:07 am
Why would this work though ..... surely Atomix must have built some security in to this to only allow one machine working at a time?

You could simply load up multiple machines (if you wanted to) with a licence file, make it read only and activate them all .....

Posté Wed 07 Jan 15 @ 12:42 pm
No, the T&C allow two machines to be logged in and running at once. The idea is: main source and backup computer.

The online part though is only linked to the last machine that connected. This is what causes A to require logging in again if it has web access when started, after B has been logged in and had the online license applied to it. You can log A in, then log B in - but B will be the one that's "registered" online as well as locally. If you restart A after B has been online, then A will need logging in - if you allow it web access.

Each different computer requires a different license file, so Atomix would be aware of how many computers John Doe logged into, from where and when etc.

Posté Wed 07 Jan 15 @ 1:00 pm
And that is the issue. They're making it very difficult to use on more than one machine.

Not everyone remembers which machine was logged in last, especially me...... and that is why it all screwed up last Friday.

I can't take the chance of getting to a gig without internet access and not being able to use the software (again)

I have been a user of VDJ since 2008 and my patience is wearing a bit thin now. I bought the DDJ-SX2 which prevents me going back to 7 as it's not supported.

Posté Wed 07 Jan 15 @ 2:18 pm
@ Kradcliffe, the simple but expensive solution would to purchase another license that way you never have that problem. I gig with 2 laptops and have 2 different licenses with different login info, license keys. I just like the benefit I get from my DDJ-SZ using 2 gig machines. Its expensive but well worth it

Posté Thu 15 Jan 15 @ 9:13 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
kradcliffe wrote :
And that is the issue. They're making it very difficult to use on more than one machine.

Not everyone remembers which machine was logged in last, especially me...... and that is why it all screwed up last Friday.

I can't take the chance of getting to a gig without internet access and not being able to use the software (again)

I have been a user of VDJ since 2008 and my patience is wearing a bit thin now. I bought the DDJ-SX2 which prevents me going back to 7 as it's not supported.

If you don't have internet access on a gig and your machine is logged off (because you previously logged in with another pc) VDJ will not ask you to log in again. It will only ask you to log in, when internet access is available. And if that's the case, just log in!

Really people, it's not that complicated.

Internet access available: You might be asked to login, depending on the last machine that was logged in. Then just log in.
No Internet: You won't be asked.

Posté Fri 16 Jan 15 @ 1:37 am
No, that is exactly what happened. I had my machine logged in at home, got to the gig with no access and I was logged out.

Posté Fri 16 Jan 15 @ 1:51 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
In options - licence there is a checkbox reading "delete licence data after closing VDJ" or something like this.
Maybe you checked that box.

Posté Fri 16 Jan 15 @ 1:53 am
RobRoyPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2012
That is the login Window ;-)
Window.PNG" class="bb-img">
If this option is active, licence.dat will be deleted after closing VirtualDJ.
But quite sure Keith knows ....

Posté Fri 16 Jan 15 @ 3:59 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
kradcliffe wrote :
No, that is exactly what happened. I had my machine logged in at home, got to the gig with no access and I was logged out.

Did you log in to the forum via your phone?


Posté Fri 16 Jan 15 @ 4:26 am
blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Forum login will not affect the virtual DJ application login/license

Posté Fri 16 Jan 15 @ 10:04 am
Adion wrote :
I did find a border case which may have been the problem for kradcliffe. If there was an internet connection, but it was bad and somehow got some corrupted download of the license, it may have logged off without warning (and if you didn't play for more than 10 minutes at that time or checked the License page on the config, you may not have noticed)

Looks to me like Adion found the probable issue and plugged the whole in the previous public beta build.

I get the frustration but personally haven't had an issue and i have gig machine and a couple of development machines.

Posté Fri 16 Jan 15 @ 2:49 pm