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Forum: Beta Builds Regression Bugs

Sujet: BUILD 2441 - Page: 1

Cette partie de ce topic est ancien et peut contenir des informations obselètes ou incorrectes

-Auto_crossfade and video_transition can move to a specific location
-Prelisten start position stored in config
-Fix crash on endless recursion in browser
-Fix deleting custom mapper
-Fix loop_exit jumping to bad slipmode position when no loop was set and looproll mode was on
-Fix mac crash when loading or analyzing a file with corrupt length tag
-Fix mac showing certain notifications twice
-Fix Cube and Satellite transition position off

Posté Sun 06 Sep 15 @ 6:33 pm
-Fix loop_exit jumping to bad slipmode position when no loop was set and looproll mode was on

rocking! thanks DJdad / team for the fast fix! testing today

just tested: bug still there: :( slip grid "cursor" still doesn't reset to zero when loading a new track, but only if scratched first. For extensive explanation:

please note: This bug is there with loop_roll enabled or not! has nothing to doo with looproll mode. I have it off and it's there.

For me it´s new! MAC
How i can change the "ShopDemoMode" to -> NO
Stop IT!

If you accidentally set this setting to yes you have two options:
1) Kill VirtualDj by using Task Manager and use a text editor to open settings.xml file and edit this setting back to "No" or
2) Kill VirtualDj by using Task Manager and delete your "settings.xml" file from your system.

Unfortunately there's no other way to stop "ShopDemoMode" and that's not a bug, it's by design. When in "ShopDemoMode" VirtualDj cannot be closed and all it's settings will reset automatically every 5 minutes

Ever same problem with Tag Editor . Field Remix not work with button Get Artist/Title from Filename and (Remix) to field Remix

PhantomDeejay wrote :
If you accidentally set this setting to yes you have two options:
1) Kill VirtualDj by using Task Manager and use a text editor to open settings.xml file and edit this setting back to "No" or
2) Kill VirtualDj by using Task Manager and delete your "settings.xml" file from your system.

Unfortunately there's no other way to stop "ShopDemoMode" and that's not a bug, it's by design. When in "ShopDemoMode" VirtualDj cannot be closed and all it's settings will reset automatically every 5 minutes

Thanks, why don´t implements an admin password to reset this mode?

Shop Mode is a feature for promotion in shows, customized fairs or shops.
This feature is in advanced settings on purpose.
Unfortunatley it is not a regression bug for it is there since the very first official build.
Feel free to continue in the General Discussion Thread if you wish.

sclavel wrote :
-Auto_crossfade and video_transition can move to a specific location

someone show me an VDJscript example ?


-Fix loop_exit jumping to bad slipmode position when no loop was set and looproll mode was on

sorry to repeat but had no reply.. this is not fixed see above. comment anyone?

The Karaoke crash i was experiencing with a prior build is back with this one. I had to go back to 2438 to keep my show going. and yes, DXVA is OFF.

HP Envy 17
Win 10
Nvidea Video Card

Renamed folders are sorted to the end of folderlist and this persists after reopen VDJ.
It is wrong sortet in "This PC Subfolders", Desktop Libraries and Favorites Folders.

I saw this behavior never before in VDJ

Proart that isn't a regression bug.

And you can fix it using right-click on the parent folder.

When I start up VDJ 8 I have to go in to Audio setting and redirect MXR19 audio channel on each startup . Im using Channels 2 and 3 on the mixer VD8 recognizes the audio as Deck 1 Channel 1 and 2 Deck 2 channel 3 and 4 . Deck 2 is dead until I change that to channel 1 and 2 as well.

You're right Adion rightclick on parent folder has an option to reset the sortorder.
But on top of my favorite Folders this option is not available. So i thought this is a regession bug.
Thank you very much.

chriso710 wrote :
When I start up VDJ 8 I have to go in to Audio setting and redirect MXR19 audio channel on each startup . Im using Channels 2 and 3 on the mixer VD8 recognizes the audio as Deck 1 Channel 1 and 2 Deck 2 channel 3 and 4 . Deck 2 is dead until I change that to channel 1 and 2 as well.

Most likely this is not a regression bug, since nothing has been changed in audio or Controllers.

Make sure the AA ASIO drivers are installed or re-install them if you have been using those already.
Since it seems that you are using Windows 10, there may be an issue of incompatibility with the drivers.
Please open a new topic in the Ver8 Bugs forum (not here) and provide further details in case the above doesnt resolve your issue.


experiences with this version, touching knobs headphone mix and volume, the decks are slowed, then goes soft, also flash on the skin, lower master volume, and small cuts on the issues were ...


Cheers everyone for your help. :)


Just updated to this version (12.30pm uk time). First thing to happen was the fan on my laptop suddenly working overtime to get rid of the scary heat it was chucking out, I went back to the previous version and the temperature went back to its normal warm state. I left it to do a 10 minute automix with no rise in temperature and the fan was quiet, I then updated to the current version again (2441) and within 10 seconds the fan kicked in hard blowing out hot hot air. This is using the default skin or FRUiTs skin.
Skin FPS is set at 0 (not 60) as it seems smoother to me. No Anti Virus is installed or any other kind of scanny program. I've restarted the laptop 3 times just to make sure and gone back and forth to this and the previous version with the same results.

Dell Inspiron N7110 ,64bit ,16GB Ram, 17.3" Screen ,Windows 7, all drivers current, Music is stored on external HDD but built into where the CD/DVD drive bay was
