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Sujet where does vdj store the stems ? - Page: 1
hh73PRO InfinityMember since 2006
so my "folder" drive still have the same amount of files now. (but 35 gbs less space) i LIKE stems. but noticed i have it set to

i noticed while analyzing all my folders last night. after i was done. i looked at my task manager to see what my video card was up too. gpu was running at 47c instead of 30(ish). and was using some resources. i wake up to about 30gbs less space on that drive. really no big deal. its a 2tb samsung 990.

i used to have it set to "automatic". now its on "on demand".

i guess i never with this new version let vdj analzye my entire collection until i saw 2% stems then slowly 8, 24, 56, and so i went to bed.

30gbs of stems for 37500 mp3s isnt bad. most of my files are flac, wav, and i encode them slowly to .mp3. for me 320k mp3 is perfectly fine for just making podcasts.


Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 8:48 am
hh73PRO InfinityMember since 2006
ok stems are pretty instant now. i see the point. but where the heck are they. lol

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 8:51 am
With those settings they are calculated when you accept them to be, but not stored
If you set them to be stored (manual to automatic or rightclick or drag to stems folder) they will be stored right next to the tracks
You can then overwrite that by setting stemsFolder to another location, where all the stems are then stored

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 8:51 am
hh73PRO InfinityMember since 2006
ok being calculated on the fly is what i want. i can wait 5 seconds. so is "always" or "on demand" better?


Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 9:02 am
hh73PRO InfinityMember since 2006
and for waves should i have it the frequency set to analyze waveforms to pads. like i had before. or to use stems. and why is it so much faster now?


Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 9:03 am
hh73PRO InfinityMember since 2006
didnt see the "store saves stems folder option". thats handy. but i def dont want it on the same drive as my music files. would need to find space.

but on the fly works well.

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 9:06 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 9:06 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
If you are fine with calculating on the fly, you can remove them from the Stems->Prepared folder in the browser.

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 9:07 am
hh73PRO InfinityMember since 2006
are the stems now when i try them faster. because "on demand" is a reduced quality?

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 9:09 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
If you didn't delete the prepared stems yet they load faster because you have the prepared stems available.
If you did delete the prepared stems already then On-Demand will indeed first start with reduced quality, and then only when you actually mute a stem or use stem eq start calculating the high quality stems.

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 9:12 am
hh73PRO InfinityMember since 2006
ok i really only found a few random ones but. so i should put it as "always" like before for better quality. but i still dont want to save them. my pc and gpu are fast enough its not a big deal

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 9:17 am
hh73PRO InfinityMember since 2006
Adion wrote :
You figured it out in your previous post

You selected batch->Save Stems instead of Analyze, so vdj made precomputed stems of the selected files.
By default they are stored next to the file, otherwise it depends on the stemsSavedFolder

yes im used to right clicking and im so used to just the analyze files part. i kept clicking compute stems instead a few times.

now i know. ty


Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 9:19 am
hh73 wrote :
ok being calculated on the fly is what i want. i can wait 5 seconds. so is "always" or "on demand" better?

Always - with on demand you will most like get a popup all the time, when triggering stems

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 12:22 pm
kenattiPRO InfinityMember since 2016
Question to stems storing:
I have calculated and stored in a specified folder (user spec. folder: example: BA_Stems) on Mac lot of songs.
Meantime I was connected to my LAN NAS, where I have a copy of songs and stems (the folders practically).
The problem coming if I disconnect from my NAS, VDJ loose the calculated stems, even if I have done and stored on local drive. If I connect to NAS, then all stored stems are visible from VDJ (small icon shows have calculated stems).
After analysing the stems storing method (how VDJ making this) I have seen the following format:
Folder name (in a user specified folder, subfolders): User..1234-???????? 1234 is a last 4 character the songs folder name, ???????? is a hex number.
After disconnect NAS and one song recalculating, VDJ making a new subfolder with the same structure but these last hex Nr are different now, and store the calculated stems file here.
I think this is why not found in disconnected status.
How can we solve this?
It looks if you connect a storage device, VDJ make a Virtual DJ folder and database.xml
Even I copy the calculated stems from the different subfolder, not recognised as calculated stems.
After the last (or maybe some earlier versions too- unfortunately. not checked) update exist this.

It can be surprise if I at home prepare stems (with NAS connected) the go to event (where no NAS) loose the calculated stems.

Maybe I do something wrong, any suggestion would be fine.
(Now if I do calculations must be disconnected from NAS, to be sure have stems away from home.



Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 5:37 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
What is the path of your NAS volume, and what is the full path of the stemsSavedFolder?

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 5:43 pm
kenattiPRO InfinityMember since 2016

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 6:07 pm
hh73PRO InfinityMember since 2006
so i did find 3 folders i "stemmed" last night. with 500 stems in each folder. (as there are 500 songs). was tedius. but erased them. and now the 30 gbs or so is back.

i would just have all my files "stemmed". and in a separate folder. but since i mostly play house and techno. stems would be REALLY useful to make instruemtnals of hiphop. then i can make a mix with certain "words" we all know. and now have to censor every 5 seconds. would be cool to make some trip hip mixes. ala
mark farinas mushroom jazz series..

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 6:20 pm
hh73PRO InfinityMember since 2006
kenatti wrote :

maybe because you dont have stems set to always? seems as its fully disabled? and this is the issue?


Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 6:25 pm
hh73PRO InfinityMember since 2006
klausmogensen wrote :
hh73 wrote :
ok being calculated on the fly is what i want. i can wait 5 seconds. so is "always" or "on demand" better?

Always - with on demand you will most like get a popup all the time, when triggering stems

thank you :)

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 6:27 pm
kenattiPRO InfinityMember since 2016
Unfortunately not.
I not want to always start preparing stems. My GPU is to slow for realtime separation (and not always I need it.
So my decision was to prepare at home, where I think is need for mixing, but sure not for all songs.

I think it has nothing to do with NAS (or maybe other storage devices).
Something happens if connected (and store to the correct place - local machine folder).
It was for me a surprise, when I disconnected the NAS (due other reason) then all calculated stems was not showed, and not used from VDJ even they are in the correct folder.
NAS is used for me to have a backup, also the internal database backup from VDJ I copy to this NAS.
And the calculated stems folder too.....1 songs 3 minutes need 3 minutes calculation time (really slow the GPU) like to avoid realtime calculation.

I think VDJ has something not correct handle this, and earlier was not a problem.
I have calculated with NAS connected (via internal network, not directly to iMAC).

Take lot of hours somehow having back the stems files.
The solution was:
- on the not working stems song separation again, then check the folder (fresh created VDJ folder - name is ident except the hex nr) and copy this Nr and rename the folder on the local machine folder to this, then was recognised again.

I was confused for long hour to have back these songs (more than 100) without recalculating again (yeah I had a backup from these on NAS) more or less working.

Maybe somebody can look on this, now I am more carefully if calculating stems.....but should be work even connected storage too

Posté Wed 24 May 23 @ 6:47 pm