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Sujet Is it true that U.K./"Brits" work the longest hours and get less holidays? - Page: 2

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DJ Marcel_1 wrote :
(in borat accent)




Posté Tue 30 Jan 07 @ 3:39 pm
cgarissPRO InfinityMember since 2007
ConQuest. Much as it pains me to agree with Apple's campaign of general disinformation (;-)) they are right about UK hours. My work day is 8:30 until 7pm on average - often 'till 8. 1 hour lunch break that is normally snipped to 30 minutes. On occasion I'm in conference calls with the California office at 11pm of an evening until 2am. My contract specifies that I may be required to work Saturdays.

Having said that, in my previous job I worked in central Tokyo, so I'm not complaining. There we worked 9am until 10:30. It was not unusual to step out of the office at 11, and walk to Shinagawa station to see hundreds and hundreds of other weary salarymen heading home too. The only way I could keep that up was the same way as my Japanese colleagues: Fueled by scores of Kent cigarettes and cans of Boss triple strength iced coffee.

My previous-previous employer asked me to sign a waiver to avoid EU working hours laws since I travelled so much long-haul. I told them where to stick it. and quit a month later. A liberating experience.

The only time I like staying up all night now, is clubbing or mixing. Usually fairly intoxicated.


Posté Tue 30 Jan 07 @ 5:23 pm
ConQuest wrote :
DJ Marcel_1 wrote :
I DJ these days

Is it the "Green Pepper After-Dark Venue" in Edmonton Canada... I just can't remember and it's driving me nuts! =D

I'm just playing with you DJ_Marcel_1. =)

I feel I must correct you my American collegue.

You see It's a common mistake that you Americans seem to make when refering to a Canadian city.

you all seem to say:
Edmonton, Canada or Toronto Canada, etc.

You seem to forget that there are PROVINCES that those city's belong to.

Edmonton is in the Province of Alberta in the Country of Canada.
Toronto is in the Province of Ontario in the Country of Canada

Much the same as If I was refering to an American City such as...
Chicago in the state of Illinos or Las Angeles in the State of California

Please do not make this mistake in the future

Your Canadian collegue
DJ Marcel
Purple Onion NightClub


Posté Tue 30 Jan 07 @ 5:57 pm
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
lol i cant comment for people on the continent but 'consumer goods' are RIDICULOUS, at the moment the pound is looking to be worth twice the dollar but prices, especialy crazy for;
DJ stuff, musical instruments, power amps

a power amp that over here i would pay £1999 for is 1799$ over in the states...........WHAT??? its less in dolars than in pounds, even tho the pound is worth twice as muich??? thats OVER twice as much for the same thing (well badged Amcron not Crown but same thing)????

its crazy, some of these things are made in europe ffs and they are still cheeper over there.

and as for working long hours with no holiday thats a fact. here in the UK it takes the piss how many hours we work when people in other countries (france is one of the best for getting LOOAADS of time off and employment protections) over here in the UK they refuse to sign up to legislation from the European Union (EU) that regulates working time.

thing is tho we may work longer (personaly i work 9-6 for 3 days and 9-9 for 2 with half an hour for lunch) but studies have shown that this isnt the best way to get the most out of people.

french workers may work for less of the time and take 2 hours to eat proper food and eat it well with bread and cheese and digest in a wholesome and natural way but when they go back to work they have a better attitude and work harder and with more concentration. the brits by comparison live on coffee becuase they are allways tired from not eating enough good food (half hour breaks dont lend themselves to cheese courses and cider with a wholesome meal) instead they live on burger during the day for lunch and then go home to microwave meals.

this kind of lifestyle leads to a workforce that may be 'working' for longer but are more asleep than awake

Posté Tue 30 Jan 07 @ 10:51 pm
DJ Marcel_1 wrote :
ConQuest wrote :
DJ Marcel_1 wrote :
I DJ these days

Is it the "Green Pepper After-Dark Venue" in Edmonton Canada... I just can't remember and it's driving me nuts! =D

I'm just playing with you DJ_Marcel_1. =)

I feel I must correct you my American collegue.

You see It's a common mistake that you Americans seem to make when refering to a Canadian city.

you all seem to say:
Edmonton, Canada or Toronto Canada, etc.

You seem to forget that there are PROVINCES that those city's belong to.

Edmonton is in the Province of Alberta in the Country of Canada.
Toronto is in the Province of Ontario in the Country of Canada

Much the same as If I was refering to an American City such as...
Chicago in the state of Illinos or Las Angeles in the State of California

Please do not make this mistake in the future

Your Canadian collegue
DJ Marcel
Purple Onion NightClub


I stand corrected Marcel. =)

Dj Xeo wrote :
...a power amp that over here i would pay £1999 for is 1799$ over in the states...........WHAT??? its less in dolars than in pounds, even tho the pound is worth twice as muich??? thats OVER twice as much for the same thin

I guess that would explain why I have so many clients buying [mostly Macs of course ;)] over here and taking their goods back to (mostly) England, as well as Germany, Japan, and most recently for some reason (I never saw this befor 2006), Brazil and Russia.

I don't know how the currency exchange stuff works, but they ALL say the sam thing about how high the prices, and apparently taxes, are.

Posté Wed 31 Jan 07 @ 12:19 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Nicely put Dj Xeo, couldn't agree more.

Posté Wed 31 Jan 07 @ 12:32 am
cgariss wrote :
ConQuest. Much as it pains me to agree with Apple's campaign of general disinformation (;-))...

The problem here is that when a lie is told enough times it becomes truth, and microsoft has been lying so long to it's customers and itself, that Apple's truths are today perceived as lies. But that is changing very rapidly.

We are changing that now and helping people to remember what the importance of accountability and corporate responsibilty are, as well as re-invogorating the spirit of true innovation in a predominantly dumbified windows OS world and relatively stagnant technology industry.

You see, we're exposing microsoft's attitude of "if it doesn't work, make it look better because it's cheaper than actually making it better, even if we actually knew how to make it better, which we don't".


Posté Wed 31 Jan 07 @ 1:37 am
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
lol how did macs creep into this?

rember what i was saying about the happy clappers needing the thinest excuse to fly into full indoctrination mode? ;)

Posté Wed 31 Jan 07 @ 1:58 am
Dj Xeo wrote :
lol how did macs creep into this?

Mac didn't, Apple did. ;)

I was replying to cgarriss's post right above yours in regards to what he called "Apple's campaign of general disinformation". =)

Posté Wed 31 Jan 07 @ 2:24 am
Dj Xeo wrote :
lol i cant comment for people on the continent but 'consumer goods' are RIDICULOUS, at the moment the pound is looking to be worth twice the dollar but prices, especialy crazy for;
DJ stuff, musical instruments, power amps

a power amp that over here i would pay £1999 for is 1799$ over in the states...........WHAT??? its less in dolars than in pounds, even tho the pound is worth twice as muich??? thats OVER twice as much for the same thing (well badged Amcron not Crown but same thing)????

sure thing, sometimes I wonder why people are taken for a fool :s

look at MS vista: I fell flat on my back when I saw prices. It is twice as much as than it is in USA for the same :|

What's the answer? Working more to be able to afford to buy it???

Posté Wed 31 Jan 07 @ 12:15 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
a new anoyance you will notice in the small print is that you can only activate your copy of vista 5 times over the time you own it and this will need to be done via the phone or the net

and after that you will need to purchase more unlockings

so 5 crashes and ur ***ed

aslo the install comes with half the drivers you need to force you to activate and conect to the online driver database to get the rest fo the files.

what a pain in the arse for poor techies like me =)

and aparently the bulk licences need a Special server which the computers need to connect to at least once every 6th months to keep the copy active or it locks up.

Posté Wed 31 Jan 07 @ 12:23 pm
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
there is nothing reeaaallyy new in vista, its just a prety new skin for old XP

XP does what most people NEED it to allready, and its been out for long enough for it to be stable and reasonably secure. vista is going to be buggy as hell and with more secuity holes than a screen door.

it offers nothing new other than 'cool' features, i dont see big business paying good money for something they dont need. im sure they will blackmail eveyone into the switch eventualy by stoping (or at the very least delaying) launches of products such as directX on the XP platform.

XP was trash when it was first released, few years later its all smoothed out. just like 98 then 98SE

Posté Wed 31 Jan 07 @ 8:33 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Personally I buy my DJ Gear from Germany now, Products can be anywhere from £50-£100 cheaper than buying from UK stores/sites. They also ship to the UK for free.

I'm sure a campaign could be started here in the UK, if enough complain about overpricing something will have to give somewhere.

Posté Wed 31 Jan 07 @ 8:45 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Dj Xeo wrote :
there is nothing reeaaallyy new in vista, its just a prety new skin for old XP

i coudlnt agree more

however we did get one benifit a new improved sound api for better quality

Posté Wed 31 Jan 07 @ 9:37 pm
skyfxl wrote :
Dj Xeo wrote :
there is nothing reeaaallyy new in vista, its just a prety new skin for old XP

i coudlnt agree more

however we did get one benifit a new improved sound api for better quality

That is exactly why I always call vista what it is, xp sp3 with a nicer GUI.

It's about time microsoft figured out that users don't want a GUI that looks like it was made by a 1st grader and some crayons.

vista's big "new" feature is a better looking interface... a wannabe Mac OS X one from 5 years ago.

Watch how Apple Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard that will be released soon once again leaps ahead of windows by another 5 years!

You want to see what windows will look like in 5 years, but still not be nearly as good in terms of features, stability, security, etc.?

Use a Mac today.

Posté Thu 01 Feb 07 @ 12:35 am
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
i get all our large purchses through, wicked place, cheeper shipping to the UK than you would think possible, MASSES of choice on a MASSIVE product line. thing is its not much cheeper than the UK if you shop around in the UK.

getting reletives in the states to buy things and DHL them over is starting to look very very lucrative.

even with the shipping on a 40KG non-SM poweramp, and ACTUALY paying the tax on it like your supposed to it stil comes in cheeper to get from the states, most equip these days only requires that you flick a switch on the powersuply from 110 to 220. hell i could pay BOTH countrys taxes, the shipping AND get a brand new UK powersuply for less than it costs to get in the UK.

the pound is making things in the states look very very cheep from where i stand so i think its about time we made use of it

Posté Thu 01 Feb 07 @ 2:21 am
xeo - remember Canadian dollars are cheaper still than American dollars.

PM me if you want to take advantage of that

DJ Marcel

Posté Thu 01 Feb 07 @ 11:34 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
careful another controling factor of vista is that each version is linked to a country so ul need to call canida if you buy it from there to activate

Posté Thu 01 Feb 07 @ 10:58 pm

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