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Sujet Club Mixing - Page: 8

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rufitoHome userMember since 2006
nose como tener el programa!!!

Posté Fri 03 Nov 06 @ 1:10 am
si tambiem kiero tener mas nivel para poder bajar un skin como lo cosigo???

ajudem-me por favor
e hey ha ai algum tuga portugues pa m ajudar a mixar!!!!

Posté Mon 06 Nov 06 @ 1:56 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
ir por favor al foro correcto para tu lengua

andare prego alla tribuna corretta per la vostra lingua

zum korrekten Forum für deine Sprache bitte gehen

please go to the correct forum for your language

Posté Mon 06 Nov 06 @ 4:07 pm
i'm hingarian, so i have to translate this text... :P
i think, i start it now :D

Posté Fri 10 Nov 06 @ 4:32 pm
My name iz DJ Fire an club mixing iz all bout da base an beats tey an get songz wit da same beat or different beat but same base an da will mix an sound nice

Posté Mon 13 Nov 06 @ 3:12 am
quisiera saber como subir de nivel para bajar un skin

Posté Mon 13 Nov 06 @ 5:04 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
dj blackmoon0 wrote :
quisiera saber como subir de nivel para bajar un skin

no skins for non licened users

Posté Mon 13 Nov 06 @ 12:14 pm
hola gente. dj castillo atlanta ga usa
un gran saludo a todos los usuarios de virtual dj
tengo 2 anos usandolo grandioso. perfecto
ahora estoy en un club la mayoria de la musica que coloco es en pantalla gigantes
por supuesto usando este programa
de primero fue un poco dificel pero al mes ya tenia todo bajo control
saludos diviertanse a lo grande

Posté Mon 13 Nov 06 @ 11:11 pm
Hello dj castilo

Posté Sun 19 Nov 06 @ 8:28 pm
what's up man?

Posté Tue 21 Nov 06 @ 4:30 am
bryan34Home userMember since 2006
absolıtly great

Posté Sat 25 Nov 06 @ 9:55 pm
varezciHome userMember since 2006

Posté Mon 27 Nov 06 @ 4:30 pm
Yeap that's a nice guide... But U have to get the Job first :)

Posté Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 4:37 am
That point was made on the first page of this thread by brennan_100: “how can i start club mixing... do i just go to a club and say i wanna be dj... how do u get in there.” Consquently, I will repost the response that a gave to his question:

“This well written information will help you get started (focus on the last paragraph):”

I agree with the person that wrote the lesson—“make a demo tape, or even more impressive, a CD.” I also recommend going a step further and be “even more impressive” by making a DVD. Have someone record your performance at a party or some other event. Another option is to rent a place if it isn’t too expensive and throw your own party. Hire a professional to record the party. Make sure he captures your performance and the crowd dancing. Remember that if the video is poor quality, it will reflect on you. You only get one chance to make a first impression. Usually, the DJ that makes the best first impression will get the job. You want your first impression to be as professional and memorable as possible.

I’ll use the above DJs that posted on this page: bryan34, varezci, and Glitserman to illustrate this point. Let’s imagine that these three DJs have the same amount of experience and skills. Furthermore, they are trying to get a job at the same club that plays Hip-Hop. bryan34 sends a resume. varezci sends a resume with a CD that contains one of his mixes. Glitserman sets up a dance hall to look like a club and throws his own party. He informs his guests in advance that the event will be recorded. He also hires someone to video the party. He takes his guest on a Hip-Hop audio adventure, which they found very exciting! The person that recorded the event edits the video to about 15 minutes. Glitserman sends his resume along with a DVD.

Who do you think made the best first impression?


Posté Mon 04 Dec 06 @ 7:09 pm
I’m sure some DJs are wondering how can they get into a club without any experience or not much experience. I will share two ways that I used:

One way that I used to get into a club was to convince the manager to try me out for free. I put the manager in a win-win situation. I wasn’t getting paid, and the club would still make money. Consequently, I got my chance. I didn’t bother me that I wasn’t getting paid because I first needed to get into the club—the pay would eventually follow.

Another way I used was to convince a manager to allow me to put on a battle of the DJs contest at a club. The club already had a DJ but I felt that I was better. I made up a flyer and sent it to the manger. I then made an appointment to speak to the manager. The manger allowed me to put on the contest. I didn’t get paid for DJing; however, I got my chance to demonstrate my skills at the club.

I must admit that the clubs that I mentioned above were small. Therefore, when you are trying to get into a club without having any experience, select small clubs to start with.


Posté Fri 08 Dec 06 @ 4:22 am
Dzienki bardzo

Posté Fri 15 Dec 06 @ 3:00 pm
i'm recently new in this so i want help from you, i want some mixing lessons. please write back to my e-mail: --@--.--

Moderated by Lady Cameron
Sorry djallmighty no email address is allowed from a demo user

Posté Wed 20 Dec 06 @ 1:45 am
evening all,

one of my managers at work here in england uses vinyl, and I've given him one of my sets for him to have a look at this weekend, really nervous, as I haven't really taken this too seriously but I want to start having a go at getting something in the next year or so, see whether i can get something or not...

Posté Thu 21 Dec 06 @ 9:52 pm
macko64Home userMember since 2007
Rozumie tu niekto slovensky?

Posté Fri 05 Jan 07 @ 12:11 am
GeogeHome userMember since 2007
What is up Everybody this is geoge I am from Mexico I hope you will enjoy this mix thanks!

Posté Sat 06 Jan 07 @ 5:03 am