Manuel utilisateur
Liste des effets Natifs
Below is a list of all native audio and video effects, video transitions and visualizations included with VirtualDJ. Additional user created addons can also be downloaded and installed from the Extensions tab in the software settings menu.
Audio effects
- Ableton Link
- Backspin
- Beat Grid
- BrakeStart
- Cut
- Delay
- Distortion
- Ducking Echo
- Dump
- EQ10
- Echo
- Echo Out
- Enigma Jet
- Filter
- Filter HP
- Filter LP
- Flanger
- Flippin Double
- Loop Out
- Loop Roll
- Low Cut Echo
- MT Delay
- MergeFX
- Mobius
- Mobius Saw
- Mobius Tri
- Noise
- Phaser
- Pitch
- Reverb
- Scratch DNA
- Slicer
- Slip Roll
- Spiral
- Stems
- Stretch
- Vocals
- Wahwah
Video effects
- Blur
- Blur Black Bars
- Boom
- Boom Auto
- Colorize
- Negative
- Shake
- Spectral
- Strobe
- Lyrics
- Screen Grab
- Text
- Title
- Camera
- Cover
- Lottery
- Shader
- Slideshow
- Additive
- Blinds
- Cloud Dissolve
- Color Swap
- Cube
- Doors
- Drain
- Drain Light
- Droplets
- Extreme Cut
- Fade
- Fixed Grid
- Flat Cube
- Flip
- Flip 3D
- Glass
- Grid
- LumaKey
- None
- Pixelate
- Satellite
- Satellite Boom
- Scrolling Slice
- Sequences
- Shatter
- Slide
- Splodge
- Strobo
- Vertical Slide
- Warp
- Warp Speed
- Window
- Window Double
- Wipe
- Zoom
- Freestyler
- Network Control